
Welcome to the official documentation of the Tensor Image Processing Platform! Tensor Image Processing Platform is a software suite that is currently being developed at the Non Destructive Testing laboratory,the faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology. The platform aims to combine data deriving from various research techniques found in the AeroNDT lab.


  • Written in Python code, meaning great expansion options
  • Importing of ENVI header hyperspectral images. (Main system used for testing and development is a hyperspectral camera from SPECIM)
  • Importing of SYDDARTA EU Project data.
  • Importing of C-Scan datasets (Under Construction)
  • Multi-Processing capabilities for fast multi-threading performance.
  • Smart RAM usage, that allows processing of files larger than local computers’ RAM.
  • Easy-To-Use interface
  • Easy-To-Develop Plugin system (through python yapsy module)

Future Plans

  • Finish C-Scan dataset importing
  • Improve platform stability
  • Develop more advanced processing algorithms
  • Add more customisation to existing algorithms