
The program requires various dependencies to run. The compiled version of python does not require these, however the developer version does. Below the list of dependencies and the code to install them trough pip or anaconda (pip install ... or conda install ...) can be seen.

Name Version Install name Abbreviation
Python 2.7.10 N.A. [1]  
wxPython N.A. [2] wx
numpy 1.10.2 numpy np
Yapsy 1.11.223 yapsy yapsy
dask 0.7.3 dask da
h5py 2.5.0 h5py h5py
winshell 0.6 winshell winshell
Pillow 2.8.2 pillow PIL
MySQLdb 1.2.5 mysql-python msqldb
PYQTgraph 0.9.10 pyqtgraph pg
matplotlib 1.5.1 matplotlib matplotlib
watchdog 0.8.3 watchdog watchdog

[1] Python 2.7 is recommend to be installed with anaconda (64x bit).

[2] wxPython can unfortunately not be installed the normal way, this is installed using the installer on this page: . (Download the version appropriate for your python install. Most likely python 2.7 64-bit)