Style GuideΒΆ

Included in this manual is a style guide. This style guide is meant to streamline the help and support process with the program. If somebody requires help it is much easier to help them when they adhere to the simple “rules” in this style guide. These will mostly come down to what abbreviations they use for modules. Below is a table with all the standard abbreviations that are used in the Python code troughout the program.

Python Modules:

Module Abbreviation
wxPython wx
wx.lib.pubsub pub
numpy np
Yapsy yapsy
dask.array da
Pillow PIL
MySQLdb msqldb
PYQTgraph pg
os.path pt osname
cPickle pickle
threading Thread
multiprocessing process
matplotlib.pyplot plt

Self-Developed Modules:

Module Abbreviation
Functions Func
Import Imp
LayoutAlg Alg
Main Never Used
Process Proc
Visualization Vs
WindowClasses Window
WindowConstructor Cons
Export Exp