
Process.MultiProcessDisplay(j, i, FilePath, BitDepth, ArrayCacheIndexList)

This Function is called in a separated process that is created by the multiprocess part of Visualization.CanvasFrame(). This function makes the grey caches for the CanvasFrame.

  • j (int) – This tells which image in CanvasFrame is cached.
  • i (int) – This tells which cache should be cached
  • FilePath (string) – The FilePath of the image that needs a new cache.
  • BitDepth (int) – The BitDepth of the image
  • ArrayCacheIndexList (list) – A 2D list where per image all the cache indices are stored.

The cache

Return type:


Process.MultiProcessNormalizeArea(i, FilePath, FileSortLst, ImportPer, GCropCoor, BCropCoor, DRT, Offset, Rest=None)

This Function is called in a separated process that is created by the multiprocess part of Normalize. This function normalizes a part of the image.

  • i (int) – This is the offset that determines which part of the image is normalized.
  • FilePath (string) – The FilePath of the image that is normalized
  • ImportPer (int) – This tells how many lines are normalized
  • WminB (Array) – The white image minus the Black image
  • Black (Array) – The black image
  • Rest (int or None) – If number of lines modulo ImportPer is not zero, then the last process is the number of line of Rest. (default is None)

The normalized part of the image

Return type:


Process.MultiProcessNormalizeLine(i, FilePath, ImportPer, WminB, Black, DRT, Offset, Rest=None)

This Function is called in a separated process that is created by the multiprocess part of Normalize. This function normalizes a part of the image.

  • i (int) – This is the offset that determines which part of the image is normalized.
  • FilePath (string) – The FilePath of the image that is normalized
  • ImportPer (int) – This tells how many lines are normalized
  • WminB (Array) – The white image minus the Black image
  • Black (Array) – The black image
  • Rest (int or None) – If number of lines modulo ImportPer is not zero, then the last process is the number of line of Rest. (default is None)

The normalized part of the image

Return type:


Process.MultiProcessRCA(i, FilePath, RefArray, DiffRefArray, BandRange, ThresholdLst, AlgorithmLst, BitDepth)

This Function is called in a separated process that is created by the multiprocess part of RCA. This function makes a reference component analysis of the image.

  • i (int) – This is the offset that determines which line of the image is made to a RCA.
  • FilePath (string) – The FilePath of the image that will be made into a RCA
  • RefArray (Array) – An Array with the reference arrays.

The line that is made into a RCA

Return type:


Process.MultiProcessReduceResolution(x, FilePath, NumberOfLinesToProcess, NewShape, ReductionVector, XSteps)

This Function is called in a separated process that is created by the multiprocess part of Normalize. This function normalizes a part of the image.

  • x (int) – This is the step parameter that determines which part of the image is reduced in resolution.
  • FilePath (string) – The FilePath
  • ImportPer (int) – This tells how many lines per process are processed
  • NewShape (list) – Shape of the reduced image
  • ReductionVector (list) – The parameters by which the images is reduced in resolution

The part of the image that is determined by x reduced in resolution

Return type:



Makes a new Thread for dask.

Return type:None

Setup the process and gives it the PauzeEvent